Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Whoa!! Where'd You Go?!

 My goodness!! It has been ages since I've been on my blog. Though there aren't many of you (yet), doesn't mean I can keep neglecting you!! 

I do apologize for my absentmindedness. I had gone through so many crazy things (as well as the pandemic that decided to invite itself in. Who let them in the door?) and I honestly have to say that I had forgotten my little friend that I have created. I miss keeping you all updated. 

Nonetheless, it is pretty difficult to keep all my social media life in array. Either way, I'm back now and I'm tired of neglecting my friend and all of YOU!

So new news, we've (meaning me and my family) have moved to a new state, I've finally have gotten a job after being a student and stay at home mom since forever. Oh! And did I mention I graduated college? Yep! Did that too. So you see, a lady has been pretty preoccupied and has forgotten the rest of the finer things in life. How smug and stuck up, trust me I KNOW!! But I'm back and want to share everything with all of you. 

Even through all the fine things in life, I have still been crafting my little heart out and participating in swaps. I've even started hosting some through my Instagram and YouTube as well. You definitely have to go check that out. It's been a blast and can't wait to do more. 

Because of this, that's what reminded me to get my booty back in gear with my blog, so that I have a network of information for the swaps that I'm hosting. A way for everyone to have the ability to check in and double check their requirements. So yeah, I'll be doing that. 

Also (yes, also), I have joined a design team and have been applying for more (I believe I'm ready, how about you?). So I want to make sure that I have another place to share my creations, as well as to link anything that you may be interested in for yourself and your crafty needs. 

Whew! I think that's it. I believe so anyways. Either way, your girl is back and it feels good to get my thoughts, feelings, and most importantly my crafts to you again. So keep a look out for all the fun things that are to come. Let's do 2021 right and have a blast err .. well ... a blast from 6 feet apart and no touching. NO TOUCHING! Oh, and wear your masks! :()

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